The Council of the European Union has extended sanctions against Belarus for 1 year. The decision on it has been adopted on October 30, the press-service of the Council of the European Union informs.
This decision has been adopted as “not all political prisoners have been released and rehabilitated, and the situation with respect to human rights, rule of law and democratic principles has not been improved considerably,” the message reads.
The EU has also updated the list of individual persons and legal entities, touched by the sanctions. Thus, the Council has passed a decision that there are no grounds any more for 24 individuals and 7 legal entities to be affected by the sanctions.
“This decision does not reflect any changes in the EU policy towards Belarus, explained in the decisions of the European Council as of October 15, 2012: the EU continues its policy of critical interaction with Belarus, aimed at assistance to human rights respect, rule of law and democratic principles in Belarus,” the report reads.
After the black list was corrected, 219 Belarusian officials, including Lukashenka, and 25 companies remain under visa and economic sanctions of the EU. The sanctions have been imposed against “purses” of the dictator – Yury Chyzh, Uladzimir Peftsieu (Vladmimr Peftiev) and Anatoly Tsernauski (Anatoly Ternavsky), and their firms. The restrictive measures against Belarusian authorities are used because of systematic violations of human rights by him, and crackdown on opposition and civil society.
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