It has been stated by Svyatlana Zavadskaya, the widow of Zmitser Zavadski, a journalist abducted 14 years ago, in her interview to
- The investigation of the case related to Zmitser’s abduction was suspended back in 2006. Is there a hope that it would out be reopened and we shall find out the truth?
- So far there is no hope that investigation is to be reopened. And today I am sure that it would be possible to find out the truth only after the regime change in Belarus. The current regime does not have political will for investigation of this case. So we have only one thing left, to wait.
- Do you believe that the real abductors and murderers of Zmitser Zavadski went to jail?
- I have information that Valery Ihnotovich, who is serving the life sentence for abduction of Zmitser, told to his relatives that he had not seen Zavadski at all. So I do not believe that it had been done by him. It is clear that investigators know this information too, as they do not carry out investigative activities with him all these years. That is why we know nothing about whereabouts of Zmitser, what was done to him after abduction, where is his body…
- So the real criminals are at large?
- Yes, and the names of persons who had ordered the crime could be found in the report of Christos Pourgourides “Disappeared persons in Belarus.” But investigation does not with these people. Why they had not been interrogated until this moment is again a question to the Belarusian authorities. And the answer was given to me by Harry Pahanyajla, who said: “It’s clear they could not set up a gallows for themselves.”
- Zmitser was a journalist, not a politician. How could he get in the way of someone so that he was dealt with this way?
- There are many suppositions, and everyone who carried out own investigation has own conclusions and deductions. But there are no doubts it is a politically motivated case.
- They say time is a healer. Has the grief at the loss of Zmitser subsided over these 14 years?
- I would like it to be this way. But it is always with me and is never subsiding; I cannot escape it or go away from it. And probably that’s the reason it is more painful with every new year.
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