Officials were alarmed by the unofficial holiday with national Belarusian flavor.
On June 27 Minsk city executive committee denied authorisation for holding “Kupalle March” to Volha Mikalajchyk, Mikola Kupava, Valery Mazynski and Alyaksandr Kishkurna.
submitted an application to Minsk city executive committee in advance
(two months ago), we asked a permission for Minsk dwellers and guests of
the capital to march in folk costumes from the Town Hall to Yanka
Kupala Park near the River Svisloch in the Kupalle March,” website was told by Volha Mikalajchyk. “We
planned to set up a stage there, so that rock and folk groups could
perform, as well as state choruses and ensembles of folk singing and
dancing like “Kharoshki”. After that people would walk to the city, to
cafes and restaurants. We planned to gather artists with their works,
knights on horses, retail outlets selling dresses and embroidered
shirts, all kind of fancy articles and crafts – bracelets, ornaments
from beads, temple ornaments. We planned it all to be very fascinating,
colourful and in style. However yesterday Valery Mazynski received a
letter from Minsk city executive committee signed by deputy chairman
Ihar Karpenka. In this letter there was a laconic denial to hold the
Holiday of the Folk Costume on June 28. Among other things, I dreamt and
was getting ready to shoot a film about that.
I am walking
down the central avenue, the so-called “Independence” avenue, and I am
almost crying because of this hopeless Sove environment.”
fredag 27. juni 2014
Ales Bialiatski: No offence with Lithuania
The Belarusian human rights defender says he has no offence with
Lithuania, though it disclosed information that caused his criminal
“No offence, no anger,” Bialiatski said at a press conference in Vilnius on Friday.
He began the press conference with these words saying that he wanted to answer the question that would be asked in any case, reports.
“It wasn't the Lithuanian authorities that threw me in jail. I was imprisoned by the Belarusian authorities,” the human rights defender said.
Bialiatski expressed a hope that other political prisoners would
also be released. He says seven people are held in prisons in Belarus on
political motives.
Before the press conference, Bialiatksi removed the poster “Freedom for Ales Bialiatski” from the doors of the the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius.
The leader of Viasna human rights centre says it's too early to regard the release as the start of positive changes in the human rights sector in Belarus. The West should not make hasty conclusions, according to him.
“No serious talks on improving relations are possible as long as there are political prisoners in Belarus,” Bialiatski emphasised.
He says he and his family will remain in Belarus, because he sees no reasons for leaving the country. Answering the question whether he feels safe in Belarus, the human rights defender said it was a philosophical question.
Bialiatski arrived in Vilnius for a meeting of Belarusian human rights defenders. He noted he planned to visit the country's MFA to have informal meetings with Lithuanian MPs and held a meeting with Mayor of Vilnius Arturas Zuokas.
“No offence, no anger,” Bialiatski said at a press conference in Vilnius on Friday.
He began the press conference with these words saying that he wanted to answer the question that would be asked in any case, reports.
“It wasn't the Lithuanian authorities that threw me in jail. I was imprisoned by the Belarusian authorities,” the human rights defender said.
Before the press conference, Bialiatksi removed the poster “Freedom for Ales Bialiatski” from the doors of the the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius.
The leader of Viasna human rights centre says it's too early to regard the release as the start of positive changes in the human rights sector in Belarus. The West should not make hasty conclusions, according to him.
He says he and his family will remain in Belarus, because he sees no reasons for leaving the country. Answering the question whether he feels safe in Belarus, the human rights defender said it was a philosophical question.
Bialiatski arrived in Vilnius for a meeting of Belarusian human rights defenders. He noted he planned to visit the country's MFA to have informal meetings with Lithuanian MPs and held a meeting with Mayor of Vilnius Arturas Zuokas.
onsdag 18. juni 2014
Belarusian flag at Donbas battalion camp
Belarusians, serving in Ukraine’s Donbas volunteer battalion, have put a white-red-white over their tent.
Now there are about 15 Belarusians in Donbas now. Part of them have long lived in Ukraine, but most came recently specifically to join the battalion. There are former activists of opposition organizations among the volunteer, Belarusian Partisan reports.
Belarusians live in several tents on the training camp of Ukraine’s
National Guard. Georgians and Ukrainians also live in the tent beneath
the flag.
The Donbas battalion is now finishing recruitment and may be shortly sent to the east of Ukraine. All the Belarusians, who have signed for the service with the battalion, addressed to Ukraine’s Minister of Interior with a request to provide them with a residence permit or even Ukrainian citizenship. The minister promised to assist in preparing the documents so that the Belarusians officially serve in the battalion.
Now there are about 15 Belarusians in Donbas now. Part of them have long lived in Ukraine, but most came recently specifically to join the battalion. There are former activists of opposition organizations among the volunteer, Belarusian Partisan reports.
The Donbas battalion is now finishing recruitment and may be shortly sent to the east of Ukraine. All the Belarusians, who have signed for the service with the battalion, addressed to Ukraine’s Minister of Interior with a request to provide them with a residence permit or even Ukrainian citizenship. The minister promised to assist in preparing the documents so that the Belarusians officially serve in the battalion.
Russia to send Tu-160 strategic bombers to Belarus
It became known from a source in the command of the Russian Air Forces, Ukrainian Ekonomicheskiye Izvestiya writes. A number of Russian websites and the Belarusian website “Military and Political Review” confirm this information.
Strategic bombers are sent to Belarus allegedly for the participation in an air parade on the “independence day” on July 3.
The planes and crew are preparing for the flight from Engels aerodrome to a Belarusian base. The flight is expected to take place in the nearest time. There's no information about the number of planes and the destination aerodrome. It is reported that Tu-160 bombers are likely to be stationed at a Belarusian military aerodrome after the parade.
It became known yesterday that Russian Tigr armoured vehicles, Iskander and S-400 missile systems already arrived in Belarus to take part in the parade.
Alesin: Russian planes can deliver nuclear strike even at London from Belarus
Military observer Aliaksandr Alesin said it to commenting on possible stationing of Tu-160 Russian strategic bombers in Belarus.
– To what extent is it possible that these planes will be sent here?
– If we take only military arguments, it is not reasonable. Tu-160 is an intercontinental strategic bomber. Its range, to put it mildly, is 10,000 kilometres, but it can fly around the world with several in-flight refuellings. So, it doesn't matter where they are stationed. Taking into account that the plane's speed is more than 2,000 kilometres per hour, Belarus with a perimeter of 650 by 550 kilometres is the least comfortable place for it. Besides, Russia's unfriendly countries lie to the west, to the north and, to all appearances, to the south of the country. The plane has no place to fly except for the east. It even cannot perform normal practice flights.
– Do you mean it is more convenient for the planes to perform combat tasks from Russia?
– Yes. They are stationed on the Volga River, near the town of Engels. There's a long-range aviation base known from the Soviet times. If they arrive here in Belarus and probably take part in the parade, it will be a propagandist step to demonstrate Russia's readiness for decisive actions.
– Sending such planes that consume a lot of fuel only for the participation in the parade is not cheap, is it?
– The matter is that nobody counts money during the war. I think Russia can afford it to back its oral threats in case of opening NATO bases in the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine. From the military point of view, it is enough to station Tu-22MZ long-range planes in Belarus which were designed for the European theatre of war. Russia also has new perfect Su-34 fighter bombers that have excellent electronics and can carry various weapons. From the military point of view, it would be more reasonable to station these aircraft here. In my opinion, Su-34 planes are an excellent tool to threaten Polish aerodromes, potential air defence systems in Poland and so on. Anyway, I think even the regiment of Su-27SMZ equipped with 300 km range missiles, which will be stationed here, will be more than enough to perform the tasks of containment and deterrence. Moreover, they also can carry tactical nuclear weapons. They can fly about 1,500 kilometres without refuelling that is enough to threaten Berlin and even London.
fredag 13. juni 2014
Russian tanks crossed Ukrainian border
It has been stated by the editor-in-chief of Yury Butusov on his Facebook page. The report has been confirmed by the Internal Affairs Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov.
“Today night three tanks T-72 have crossed the state border of Ukraine from the side of Russia. One tank stays in Snizhne settlement (Snezhnoe in Russian). The two other tanks have moves outside the city. In the vicinity of Snizhne these tanks were seized by Ukrainian troops. The battle is underway. According to reports, one Russian tank T-72 is put out of action,” he stated.
According to the sources in the power structures, additional forces – armoured vehicles and BM-21 Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, which also can be turned on at Ukraine any moment, have been deployed on the Russian territory in close vicinity to the Ukrainian border.
Many dwellers of Snizhne, who inform internal affairs bodies about tanks which have appeared in Snizhne, say that crews explicitly say that they are from Russia, and that they have come “to liberate Ukraine” and it is their “internationalist duty.” However, the local population does not show support to occupants.
“Experts suppose that the armoured vehicles driven by Russian military could be taken from Crimea. By such a primitive show the Kremlin expects to hide the Russian origin of the tanks,” Yury Butusov writes.
Photo from RIA “Novosti” archives
Zubr from Donbas battalion: I help Belarusians by helping Ukraine
New soldiers formed new combat units at a training base near Kyiv. Donbas commanders appealed to the National Guard command and the Ukrainian interior minister asking to send more troops to the Donetsk region. The commander asked to form a new battalion, Donbas-2, as he has more than 1,500 volunteers in reserve, Belsat TV reports.
“I help save the integrity of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. It will also help our people,” he says.
There are 60 volunteers from Belarus and Russia, but they cannot join one of the most well-known unit of the National Guard. They need Ukrainian citizenship or a residence permit.
“Belarusians and Russians with a residence permit are registered in the battalion as servicemen,” battalion commander Semion Semionchenko says.
Soldiers of the battalion do not receive money. They are struggling for the idea – free Ukraine as home for all free people regardless of their nationality. Soldiers from other countries say they feel they are among friends.
“We are really fraternal nations. Many of them want to be with their brothers in hard times,” Semion Semionchenko said.
The Ukrainians began to talk about the brotherhood with the Belarusians during the Maidan protests, which attracted many Belarusians, and after the death of Mikhail Zhyzneuski, who was killed by the riot police. For many Belarusians, Maidan became the place where their dream about freedom came true.
“This is something that we lack: if someone is in trouble, if he is beaten, Ukrainians go to and save their friend. We didn't have this,” Zubr says.
Soldiers of the National Guard's battalion have trainings at the base near Kyiv and learn how to fight against terrorists.
“I made my choice. It's most likely that I will be considered a criminal in my home country, but we'll find some legal tricks in order not to consider it a crime,” he said.
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søndag 8. juni 2014
Stanislau Shushkevich: Inviting Lukashenka to Kyiv is naïve mistake
Stanislau Shushkevich, the first head of independent Belarus, said it in an interview with commenting on the invitation of Lukashenka to the inauguration ceremony of Petro Poroshenko, the fifth president of Ukraine.
– Hundreds of Belarusian democratic activists were in Independence Square in Kyiv. Belarusian Mikhail Zhyzneuski died struggling for Ukraine's freedom. After that, the authorities of the neighbouring country decided to invite dictator Lukashenko to the inauguration of the new president. What do you think about the initiative?
– I am surprised that Lukashenka was invited to the inauguration of Petro Poroshenko. I think the decision shows a sort of naïvety of the Ukrainians. They think the Belarusian dictator can behave humanly. I absolutely rule out this possibility. I think it is a naïve mistake dictated by naïve logic. You cannot invite a wolf to a normal event.
– May it be so that the Ukrainian side is guided by business interests?
– The invitation of Lukashenka to Ukraine won't solve problems of economic relations between the two countries. These expectations are futile. The Belarusian authorities cannot and will not carry out a policy that does not depend on Russia. It relates to trade, the ban on beer export, etc. Hoping that official Minsk will treat Ukraine not as Moscow does is a vain thing. I heard Petro Poroshenko in Warsaw. I like him. He has logic and takes a very decent stance on Russia. He calls the actions in Ukraine's east and Crimea banditism. It's clear that the main reason for inviting the Belarusian dictator is an attempt to split his union with Putin.
– The Ukrainian authorities know Lukashenka well. They had contacts with him under Kuchma, Yushchenko and Yanukovych. Why do they have these expectations? Can they come true?
– Absolutely not. The invitation won't change anything. Putin has absolute 100 per cent influence on Lukashenka. Even if he goes to Ukraine, for example, as a spy, it won't change anything. The dictator will ask Moscow's permission before leaving for Kyiv.
fredag 6. juni 2014
Gratulerer! Stanislau Shushkevich honoured with degree of Dr. H. C. by SGH while Mighty God anthem played
The solemn ceremony of awarding of Doctor honoris causa diploma of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) to the first leader of independent Belarus has taken place in Warsaw today.
Professor Stanislau Shushkevich, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, is an author of more than 150 scientific works, 2 textbooks, 7 monographs, a contributing author of 73 inventions, a thesis tutor for 33 works.
In Belarus Shushkevich, who was a signee of the agreement on dissolution of the Soviet Union, joined the opposition to Lukashenka. Because of that the first leader of independent Belarus was deprived of his retirement pension. The government refused to adjust it according to an index, and at the moment his pension is equal to 30 cents (the littlest pension in the world).
The Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) is the most prestigious economic university in Poland, and the leading business university in Eastern and Central Europe. As porter of website informs, among the guests who attended the ceremony of granting the degree of Doctor honoris causa to Stanislau Shushkevich there were chief of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Bronisław Komorowski, Jacek Michałowski, the “Father” of Polish reforms, Vice Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Poland in 1989-1991 Leszek Balcerowicz, a former Foreign Minister of Poland, co-chairman of Polish-Russian Group on Difficult Matters Adam Rotfeld, a former Defense Minister, Vice-President of the European Parliament in 2004-2006 Janusz Onyszkiewicz, the leader of the civil campaign “European Belarus”, a presidential candidate in Belarus in 2010 Andrei Sannikov, as well as rectors and professors of many universities of Warsaw.
The solemn ceremony was opened by signing Poland’s anthem, Dąbrowski's Mazurka. A song “Mighty God” written by Mikola Ravenski, was performed as an unofficial anthem of Belarus.
The address of Polish President Bronisław Komorowski to Stanislau Shushkevich was read out by the chief of the Chancellery of the President Jacek Michałowski:
“Our sincere congratulations to Mister Professor on receiving the degree of Doctor honoris causa of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). I am greatly pleased to greet awarding this title to the great scientist, a person who had made a considerable contribution to downfall of the Soviet regime, democratic changes, destruction of walls and construction of bridges between nations. The biography of Mr Shushkevich can serve an example how societies of Poland, Belarus and Russia were forms. Stanislau Shushkevich comes of a family which experienced persecution for their love of their national language and culture. For Mr Shushkevich the mission of a scientist has become a path to a social, and later to a political involvement in the struggle for freedom. Because of his aspirations toward independence of Belarus he has made it into history as a politician, who together with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine put an end to the Soviet Union.
We recognize his merits in building the sovereignty of Belarus, foundations of democracy, civil society and market economy. It is impossible to destroy these achievements. Independent Belarus is an inseparable part of Europe. We are creating a society of values. It is symbolic that the today’s gala coincides with the holiday of freedom, which was celebrated yesterday in Poland. 25 years ago, on June 4, 1989, with the help of ballot papers Polish people said “No!” to the Communist dictatorship. I am happy that exactly on this anniversary which is very important to Poland, which aims to unite Europe and the free world, Mr Professor is granted this title from one of the leading universities of our country. Once again let me express my gratitude to you and all Belarusians who strive for freedom. Zhyve Belarus! (Long live Belarus!),” the address of the President of Poland reads
A former President of Poland, a legendary leader of Polish “Solidarity” Lech Walesa has congratulated Stanislau Shushkevich as well:
“It is the highest and deserved recognition of scientific and political activities of Mr Professor. You were able to combine your devotion to science and aspirations to discover mysteries of the world of physics, mathematics and technics with community service, building of a new European state over the ruins of the USSR. You are a scientific and patriotic ideal. The degree of Doctor Honoris Causa is a display of solidarity of Poles with you and with the entire Belarusian nation. Awarding this title is even more symbolic as it takes place on the 25th anniversary of the events of 1989, which opened a way to freedom and democracy to us. The mission of the Polish Solidarity which was born in 1980 and which has been upheld through the 1980-ies, finally bore fruits in Poland, and in other countries which fight with Communism.
Freedom was opening to the eyes of a new group of oppressed nations. It would not be able without the courage and determination of outstanding people, and you, Mr Professor, take an important place among them. An indication of unique courage and confirmation of a great political talent was signing the agreement on peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union, which has become a beginning of freedom and democracy for many countries and nations. This award belongs to your country as well.
The way to freedom is still continued. The today’s award as a gesture of solidarity allows this hope to stay alive, and you are the voice of this hope. You have dedicated friends, and their aim is building and development of Polish-Belarusian Solidarity. We are adding to this the important title today, and I express my gratitude to the authorities and the staff of the Warsaw School of Economics. With friendly congratulations,” Lech Walesa wrote.
While receiving this award, Stanislau Shushkevich noted:
“For me personally the Miracle at the Vistula has taken place today, as I have been granted the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in the most important university of Poland.
“Lukanomics” is reigning in my Belarus today. It’s an absurd economic policy of Lukashenka, who is sponsored by Russia. Though our country is independent, in fact our government is following the will of the Kremlin. In order to show the effectiveness of “Lukanomics”, one can recall that in 1992 the Belarusian ruble’s cost was the same as the Russian one. Over this period the Belarusian ruble has become 3000 times cheaper as compared to the Russian ruble. Life expectancy in Belarus is one of the shortest ones, and finally, Belarus takes the first place in the world list of alcohol consumption per capita according to the World Health Organisation. Liberalization of the Belarusian economy is out of the question now. Dictator Lukashenka understands perfectly well that it would mean the end of his rule. In post-Soviet times economic indicators of Belarus were higher than in Poland. Today we are lagging behind you incredibly. But I am convinced that if it depended on Belarusians, our country would have joined the European Union long ago,” the first leader of independent Belarus said.
Norsk bistand handler ikke i dag om å hjelpe mennesker i nød, men om å skaffe politikere god samvittighet.
40 år med bistand og tidligere regjeringers egne evalueringer sier at det ikke har fungert i det hele tatt. Flere studier konkluderer med at bistand faktisk er skadelig for den økonomiske veksten i mottakerlandet. Riksrevisjonen, som holder kontroll med politikernes vedtak og oppfølgning, skrev at det var problematisk å finne beviser på resultatene av norsk bistand.
Den største mottakeren
av norske bistandsmidler er verdens 8. største økonomi, Brasil. Norge
gir også bistand til supermakten Kina og det siste virkelige diktaturet i
Europa: Hviterussland. Brasil får fire milliarder kroner av Norge og
har selv et bistandsbudsjett på cirka syv milliarder, mens de totalt
mottar litt over seks milliarder. Hele bistandspolitikken er en faktura
som sendes rundt hele verden - alle gir penger til alle. Norge er et av
få land som ikke mottar bistand, derfor blir norske skattebetalerne de
store taperne.
I dag gir vi bistand til over halvparten av FNs 193 medlemsland. Man bør gå fra 116 land på bistandsbudsjettet til 10-15 land. Land Norge skal ha fokus på å gjøre en forskjell i. Man bør prioritere vaksinasjonsprogrammer først og ha presis kontroll på at pengene går til fattige barn, ikke diktatorer som bruker pengene på personlig luksus eller å holde folket i sjakk. Videre må det stilles krav om at landene som mottar våre penger gjennomfører reformer for å få frie markeder. Fellesnevneren for alle land som har blitt rike er at de i stor eller liten grad har en fri økonomi. Det er løsningen, ikke mer u-hjelp.
Hvis du gir en mann en fisk har han mat i en dag, lærer du han å fiske har han mat resten av livet. Norges premie for de landene som innfører frie markeder bør være at de kan selge varer tollfritt til Norge. Det finnes ikke en mer usolidarisk politikk i Norge enn å nekte bønder fra Afrika tilgang til grønnsaksavdelingen på Rimi bare for at norske bønder skal få beholde sitt tilnærmede monopol. Jeg er sikker på at mange norske forbrukere har et ønske om å hjelpe den fattige potetbonden i Namibia ved å kjøpe varene deres.
Når private gir penger til bistand gjennom organisasjoner som for eksempel Leger Uten Grenser og Redd Barna går mesteparten til det formålet det skal. Grunnen er at du og jeg stiller krav til at pengene når fram, og ikke tar en strafferunde rundt hele kloden for å gi noe andre en god samvittighet. Skal vi få U-land til å bli I-land er det personlig og økonomisk frihet som må til. Man må måle politikken etter de resultatene man oppnår, ikke bare hvor mye penger man har klart å svi av.
40 år med bistand og tidligere regjeringers egne evalueringer sier at det ikke har fungert i det hele tatt. Flere studier konkluderer med at bistand faktisk er skadelig for den økonomiske veksten i mottakerlandet. Riksrevisjonen, som holder kontroll med politikernes vedtak og oppfølgning, skrev at det var problematisk å finne beviser på resultatene av norsk bistand.
I dag gir vi bistand til over halvparten av FNs 193 medlemsland. Man bør gå fra 116 land på bistandsbudsjettet til 10-15 land. Land Norge skal ha fokus på å gjøre en forskjell i. Man bør prioritere vaksinasjonsprogrammer først og ha presis kontroll på at pengene går til fattige barn, ikke diktatorer som bruker pengene på personlig luksus eller å holde folket i sjakk. Videre må det stilles krav om at landene som mottar våre penger gjennomfører reformer for å få frie markeder. Fellesnevneren for alle land som har blitt rike er at de i stor eller liten grad har en fri økonomi. Det er løsningen, ikke mer u-hjelp.
Hvis du gir en mann en fisk har han mat i en dag, lærer du han å fiske har han mat resten av livet. Norges premie for de landene som innfører frie markeder bør være at de kan selge varer tollfritt til Norge. Det finnes ikke en mer usolidarisk politikk i Norge enn å nekte bønder fra Afrika tilgang til grønnsaksavdelingen på Rimi bare for at norske bønder skal få beholde sitt tilnærmede monopol. Jeg er sikker på at mange norske forbrukere har et ønske om å hjelpe den fattige potetbonden i Namibia ved å kjøpe varene deres.
Når private gir penger til bistand gjennom organisasjoner som for eksempel Leger Uten Grenser og Redd Barna går mesteparten til det formålet det skal. Grunnen er at du og jeg stiller krav til at pengene når fram, og ikke tar en strafferunde rundt hele kloden for å gi noe andre en god samvittighet. Skal vi få U-land til å bli I-land er det personlig og økonomisk frihet som må til. Man må måle politikken etter de resultatene man oppnår, ikke bare hvor mye penger man har klart å svi av.
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