Stanislau Shushkevich, the first head of independent Belarus, said it in an interview with commenting on the invitation of Lukashenka to the inauguration ceremony of Petro Poroshenko, the fifth president of Ukraine.
– Hundreds of Belarusian democratic activists were in Independence Square in Kyiv. Belarusian Mikhail Zhyzneuski died struggling for Ukraine's freedom. After that, the authorities of the neighbouring country decided to invite dictator Lukashenko to the inauguration of the new president. What do you think about the initiative?
– I am surprised that Lukashenka was invited to the inauguration of Petro Poroshenko. I think the decision shows a sort of naïvety of the Ukrainians. They think the Belarusian dictator can behave humanly. I absolutely rule out this possibility. I think it is a naïve mistake dictated by naïve logic. You cannot invite a wolf to a normal event.
– May it be so that the Ukrainian side is guided by business interests?
– The invitation of Lukashenka to Ukraine won't solve problems of economic relations between the two countries. These expectations are futile. The Belarusian authorities cannot and will not carry out a policy that does not depend on Russia. It relates to trade, the ban on beer export, etc. Hoping that official Minsk will treat Ukraine not as Moscow does is a vain thing. I heard Petro Poroshenko in Warsaw. I like him. He has logic and takes a very decent stance on Russia. He calls the actions in Ukraine's east and Crimea banditism. It's clear that the main reason for inviting the Belarusian dictator is an attempt to split his union with Putin.
– The Ukrainian authorities know Lukashenka well. They had contacts with him under Kuchma, Yushchenko and Yanukovych. Why do they have these expectations? Can they come true?
– Absolutely not. The invitation won't change anything. Putin has absolute 100 per cent influence on Lukashenka. Even if he goes to Ukraine, for example, as a spy, it won't change anything. The dictator will ask Moscow's permission before leaving for Kyiv.
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