The BSSR Supreme Council adopted the declaration of Belarus’ state sovereignty 25 year ago – on July 27, 1990.
The document announced the independence of the BSSR and the supremacy
of the state power in the republic and independence in all foreign
The Supreme Council gave the declaration the constitutional status on
August 25, 1991. It was the basis for changes made in the BSSR
Constitution adopted in 1978.
The country changed its official name to the Republic of Belarus on
September 19, 1991. New state symbols were introduced – the
white-red-white flag and the National Emblem ‘Pahonya’. The leaders of
Belarus, Russia and Ukraine cancelled the state agreement on the
creation of the USSR (1922) in December 1991. The new Constitution of
the Republic of Belarus was adopted on March 15, 1994.
Belarus celebrated its Independence Day on July 27 in 1991-1996. The
day was changed to July 3 (the day of Belarus’ liberation form fascist
invaders) after the referendum of 1996.
Ubåtvraket ble funnet i forrige uke på den svenske østkysten, melder svenske Expressen. Funnet ble gjort av vrakjegere fra Ocean X Team, men de ønsker ikke gå ut med informasjon om nøyaktig hvor funnet ble gjort.
- Vi er 110 prosent sikker på at ubåten ligger i svensk farvann, sier Dennis Åsberg i Ocean X Team.
ligger om lag 1,5 nautiske mil fra kysten, og gruppen hadde fått
koordinatene til funnstedet fra et islandsk selskap. På sine nettsider
hevder teamet at det er en russisk miniubåt de har funnet på havets
bunn, men disse opplysningene har foreløpig ikke blitt verifisert.
Vi startet å søke fra den posisjonen det islandskse selskapet hadde
angitt, og fant denne ubåten ganske fort, sier Peter Lindberg i Ocean X
Team til Expressen.
Ifølge teamet er ubåten 20 meter lang og tre meter bred. Det er ingen synlig skade på skroget, og dørene skal være lukket.
- Det er ikke en bulk, rive eller skade på skroget, sier Peter Lindberg.
- Dette tyder på at mannskapet kan være om bord i vraket, sier Åsberg.
Forsvaret analyserer opplysningene
- Vi vet at det er en ubåt. Alderen på det er umulig å si noe om, men
det har et moderne utseende. Det er vanskelig å si hvor lenge det har
ligget der, og vi må gå ned igjen, sier Åsberg.
Ocean X-teamet vil fortsette å utforske vraket, men har vært i kontakt med Forsvaret og vist filmmaterialet av vrakrestene.
De har vært i kontakt med oss og vi kan bekrefte at vi analyserer
materialet, sier Anders Kallin, pressevakt ved det svenske forsvaret.
De kan ikke gå ut med mer informasjon nå, men Kallin kommer ikke på svenske ubåter som er meldt savnet.
Co-chairman of the Young Front and a
former political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich has given advice on what to
do for Belarus not to repeat the fate of Crimea and Donbas.
The Young Front has compiled a list
of organizations of the "Russian world" - the Kremlin's top 100 centers
of aggression in Belarus. The list includes organizations such as the
United Rus, Young Rus, community of the Russian National Unity, PRD
recruitment spots and the Cossack organizations and clubs that conduct
"Russian parties".
The co-chairman of the Young Front Zmitser Dashkevich gave an interview to the Radio Racyja
where he noted that the organization from the list will be among the
first to hang a Russian flag if Russian tanks enter Belarus. Work during
the making of the list testified that the "Russian world" in Belarus is
very large, noted the activist.
"We assume that this is just the tip of the iceberg, only what is
formally shown in the media, only what the Black Hundreds show off. When
some registered organizations with the support of the state carry out
some paramilitary maneuvers, shootings, unite the youth, give them
weapons and medals under the patronage of the Russian Orthodox Church
and officials - it is very scary. We must understand that after 20 years
of struggle with the national opposition, Lukashenka rebuilt this
"Russian world". Even if he wanted to dissociate himself from it now, it
is very difficult to do, because for 20 years the structures of the
"Russian world" have been rebuilt. While earlier it was done quietly, it
is now gaining momentum, because the appetites of the Kremlin are, of
course, growing."
Mr Dashkevich sees a big problem in Belarus supporting at the state
level organizations of the "Russian world": "For example, activists of
the Young Front or other non-registered organizations cannot gather in a
group of more than 10 people - they immediately get arrested by riot
police, and this is done in relation to people who are promoting the
national idea and Christian principles. At the same same time, there are
quiet meetings of the people who claim that "there is no Belarus, that
Belarus is some fake historical absurdity."
According to a former political prisoner, the activity of the
organizations similar to the "Black Hundreds" needs to draw attention of
the state structures, which may have sane people who can start launch
investigations. Mr Dashkevich advises to patriots to switch to the
Belarusian language, which, in his opinion, will never allow Belarus to
follow In tracks of Crimea and Donbas.
"Polls show that 30-40% of population in Belarus advocate for the
Belarusian languagea to become a single state language in the country.
Let them speak Belarusian tomorrow. No Russian chauvinist tomorrow will
come to Minsk or some other city and say "Russian world is here" when
one in three in the streets will speak Belarusian. This is the most
important thing," said the co-chair of the Young Front.,
They were fined under Part 2 of the Article 22.9 of
the Administrative Code - each of them was fined 35 basic units (6
million 300 thousand rubles), NGO Belarusian Association of Journalists
The penalty has been imposed under an administrative protocol drawn
up by the chief of department of law enforcement and prevention of
Rahachou police department, Lieutenant Colonel Yury Astapovich.
Natallia Kryvashey and Kanstantsin Zhukouski were accused of "illicit
production" of the reportage "Bitter flavor of the crisis. Why Rahachou
condensed milk remains in the warehouses?" which was broadcast on
Belsat on May 14.
"There is nothing to be expected from the courts other than fines.
The country is in crisis. Both intelligence services and the police
together with the courts have found a relatively easy way to replenish
the budget - through community activists and journalists, freelancers,"
commented on the decision of the court Natallia Kryvashey.
For her, this year it has been the fourth court on similar
administrative cases, Kanstantsin Zhukouski was tried for the seventh
In total, in Belarus this year, the courts have fined freelance
journalist under the Article 22.9 of the Administrative Code 24 times.
The amount of fines exceeded 129 million rubles.,
From 1994 to 1997, Dmitry Zavadsky
worked as a personal operator of Mr Lukashenka. Later, he started
working for the Russian television.
He vanished
on the morning of 7 July 2,000 on the way to the national airport
Minsk-2, where he went to meet his colleague Pavel Sharamet. Mr
Zavadsky's car was found in the airport, but it is still unknown what
happened to him. The body of Dzmitry still has not been found. At that time he was 27 years old.
Officially, the journalist disappearance case was fully investigated.
According to the investigators, the journalist was kidnapped by former
employees of the Interior Ministry Special Forces Unit Almaz, Valer
Ihnatovich and Maxim Malik, as well as a former student of the Interior
Academy Alyaksai Guz and Syarhei Savushkin, who has repeatedly been on
trial before that. Mr Ihnatovich and Mr Malik were sentenced to life imprisonment.
According to Pavel Sheremet, the reason for the abduction could have
been the work of Mr Zavadsky in Chechnya in 1999-2000, during the
filming of The Chechen Diary. Mr Zavadsky could gather information about
the actions of the Belarusian special forces, who at that time were in
The widow of the journalist, Svyatlana, created a foundation in his
name, and in 2001, colleagues of the operator Dzmitry Zavadsky founded a
prize For Courage and Professionalism.