
torsdag 17. november 2016

Europas siste diktator avviser Trump

I 22 år har Aleksandr Lukasjenko vært president i Hviterussland og omtales som Europas siste diktator. Han lar seg ikke begeistre av Donald Trump.

Mens det spekuleres i at samarbeidet mellom USA og Russland vil bli bedre med Donald Trump, avviser Hviterussland all positiv omtale av den påtroppende presidenten.
På et pressetreff i hovedstaden Minsk ba han media om å roe seg ned.
– Du vil ikke tro hvor pro-amerikansk hans politikk vil bli. Jeg anbefaler media å stoppe hypen rundt hans seier, blir Lukasjenko sitert av nyhetsbyrået Tass.

Tidligere var båndene mellom Lukasjenko og Putin nære og varme, men kontakten skal ha kjølnet de siste årene. Tidligere i uka snakket Putin og Trump på telefon, og de skal ha avtalt å møtes etter innsettelsesseremonien 20. januar.
Den hviterussiske presidenten ble på sin side gjenvalgt så sent som i fjor, i et valg som ble kritisert av eksterne valgobservatører.

Ifølge Lukasjenko er Trump en gjennomført pro-amerikansk patriot.
– Han vil helt sikkert prioritere USA fremfor alt annet, sa Lukasjenko. Ifølge Tass minnet han også på at den nyvalgte presidenten ikke har lovet verken «dere eller oss noen ting».


tirsdag 8. november 2016

Activists detained at Lenin monument opening released

 The Communists leader had to retrieve from the event on an urgent basis.
Today, during the procedure of unveiling the Lenin monument near the Minsk Tractor Plant, three activists emerged from the crowd and started shouting out “It’s a Shame!” The Communists shouted “Peace, Party, Komsomol!” in response.
Deputy Chairman of the city executive committee and leader of the Belarusian Communists Ihar Karpenka was operatively evacuated from the event. One of the activists, who appeared to be the “Young Front” leader Zmitser Dashkevich, was detained. Four policemen carried him to the police vehicle, informs.
After such an incident, the astonished crowd was offered to listen to the “All-Belarusian People’s Assembly Anthem” performed by Aliaksei Khliastou.

Opposition held memory rally near KGB building

On the day of the October Revolution, the protesters recalled the victims of Stalinist repression.
The action started at 12:00 near the central KGB building in Minsk. It was planned as a march along the avenue, then the organizers agreed on a picket near the building.
The action ended. The police drew up a report on all those who took part in it. Yury Hubarevich of the Movement “For Freedom” announced the beginning of the signature collection for renaming streets named in honor of Communist leaders.
About 60 people gathered near the KGB building. Among them, there were 20 participants, while the remaining people were journalists and siloviki. On the steps of the building, activists put the portraits of Stalinist repression victims. Some are holding portraits of disappeared Belarusian politicians. Police are drawing protocols.
Representatives of the security services outnumber the protesters. Representatives of the democratic community came to the KGB building. Protesters lit candles and read an address of the writer Vasil Bykau written at the end of the 80s, which was dedicated to the victims of Stalinist repression, reports our correspondent from Minsk.

Recall that last memory rally at the steps of the State Security Committee, which took place on October 29, ended in arrests of five activists.