
søndag 29. mai 2016

Vital Hurkou sensationally wins Muay Thai World Championship

At the World Championships in Sweden Belarusian boxer defeated a Thai opponent, who had not lost for consecutive 4 years.
In the Muay Thai Championship final which took place in Sweden, Vital Hurkou has defeated Ekapan Sambaansab from Thailand, who had won all his matches in the last four years.
Hurkou fights in the 75 kg weight category.
Hurkou may have missed this event: the Sports Ministry had no funds for his trip. Within hours Belarusians collected 68 million Br that Hurkou rejected. In early May, the Ministry of Sports said that they found the money.
Today, the victory was also celebrated by another Thai boxer from Belarus – Alena Lyashkevich. Soon Belarusians Dzyanis Hancharonak, Zmitser Valent and Andrei Herasimchuk will fight in their relevant finals.

onsdag 25. mai 2016

Long-awaited meeting: Nadiya Savchenko arriving in Ukraine! (video)

(UPD) Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko who has been in
custody in Russia since July 2014 till today is arriving in Kyiv; the
presidential aircraft has landed in Borispil Airport.

Nadiya Savchenko has quickly talked to reporters. She
thanked everyone who supported her, the speech was very emotional. The
pilot even asked the crowd of journalists to step back saying she spent
two years in a one-man cell and became disaccustomed to people:

“I am free. I want to apologize to all the mothers
whose children did not return from the war while I am alive. I want to
apologize to all the mothers, their children who are in jail while I am
free. I will do my best to have them freed. I thank you for your fight
for me and everyone. If people did not raise their voices, politicians
would remain silent. And thank you who were indifferent. I have survived
in your despite.”
imgpsh_fullsizeNadiya also expressed readiness to resume serving in the Ukrainian army and fight against the enemy.
Then a presidential car has taken her to the Presidential Administration, where the official briefing is to be held.
Nadiya’s mother and sister are waiting for her arrival:
Detained Ukrainian servicewoman Nadiya Savchenko is
on board a plane returning to Ukraine from Russia, Reuters reports with
reference to a source close to a deal to swap the pilot for two Russians
held by Kiev said on Wednesday. 
“They are coming back,” the source said, confirming that Savchenko was on the plane.
On Wednesday Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko
sent the presidential aircraft to Rostov-on-Don airport, where the
pilot was waiting, several sources with knowledge of the situation told
Ukrainian news agency Interfax.
The presidential aircraft was allegedly carrying Russian GRU officers Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Alexander Alexandrov seized in the Ukrainian territory in 2015. The exchange was to take place at the Rostov-on-Don airport, the source said.
“Russian law enforcement officials escorting
Savchenko are already in Rostov-on-Don. Based on a bilateral agreement,
Ukrainian authorities will hand over the two Russians detained in
Ukraine at the same place,” another source said.
Meanwhile, Russian media report that neither authorities nor lawyers are aware of Savchenko’s release., via Reuters, Interfax-Ukraine

Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko has met with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

"I thank my mother that she has lived to see me and my sister for fighting for me," Savchenko offered formal welcome in Presidential Administration. VIDEO

Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko has met with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Presidential Administration following her arrival in Ukraine.

As reported by Censor.NET citing 112 Ukraine TV channel, the president presented a just reward to Savchenko - she was granted the title of Hero of Ukraine and awarded with the Gold Star Medal during the formal ceremony. The meeting was also attended by Savchenko's mother and sister as well as Nadiia's fellows-in-arms. Source:

Savchenko: "Don't let me sell out"

Savchenko: "Don't let me sell out". VIDEO

Nadiia Savchenko came out to journalists at Boryspil airport.

As reported by Censor.NET citing 112 Ukraine, Savchenko's appearance was quite unexpected. Most journalists were putting questions to Iryna Herashchenko at that moment. Savchenko's speech was very emotional.

Savchenko thanked all her supporters as well as enemies and indifferent people.

"I want to thank all those who supported me! I've survived because of you. I want to thank my enemies! I've survived in spite of you. I want to thank the indifferent ones for not interfering!" she said.

Kvinnelig ukrainsk krigsflyver er byttet mot russiske offiserer

<p>HELT ELLER SKURK? Den ukrainske militærpiloten Nadja Savtjenko er her fotografert i en rettssal i Moskva den 4. mars 2015.</p>Den mye omtalte ukrainske militærflyveren Nadja Savtjenko (34) er løslatt i bytte mot to russiske offiserer som har vært fengslet i Ukraina.
– Jeg overlevde, skrek hun foran et stort presseoppbud i Kiev, barbeint og ikledd t-skjorte og jeans.
Kreml-talsmannen Dmitrij Peskov sier at president Vladimir Putin har benådet Savtjenko, melder nyhetsbyrået Tass. Ifølge Reuters er også de to russiske offiserene benådet - av den ukrainske presidenten.
Verken Savtjenko eller de to russerne skal selv ha bedt om benådning, etter som det betyr en innrømmelse av skyld.

Nadja Savtjenko dro i den ukrainske presidentens fly fra Rostov til Kiev, landet i den ukrainske hovedstaden og ble møtt av sin mor og søster på flyplassen.
Hun regnes som en krigshelt i Ukraina. I russiske øyne er hun en forbryter. Hun ble i mars dømt til 22 års fengsel i russisk rett for medvirkning til drap på to russiske journalister i Øst-Ukraina i 2014. 

Seier for presidenten

For den hardt pressede ukrainske presidenten Petro Porosjenko er det en seier at Savtjenko nå er løslatt.
Nadja Savtjenko har vært tiltalt og dømt for både drap, drapsforsøk og ulovlig grensepassering.
Ifølge den russiske avisen Kommersant har flyet med de to russiske offiserene Jevgenij Jerofeev og Aleksander Aleksandrov landet på Vnukovo-flyplassen utenfor Moskva. Ukrainske medier hevder at de to tilhører den russiske elitestyrken Spetsnaz.
Kreml-talsmann Peskov hevder at Putin benådet Savtjenko etter bønn fra en slektning av de to drepte russiske journalistene..
Kommersant skriver at fangebyttet er blitt til ved en nattlig telefonsamtale med fire deltagere: presidentene i Russland, Ukraina og Frankrike, samt den tyske bundeskansleren Angela Merkel.


Sitter i parlamentet

Savtjenko har sittet bak lås og slå i Russland siden sommeren 2014. På denne tiden har hun både blitt innvalgt i det ukrainske parlamentet og i Europarådets parlamentarikerforsamling.
Les også: Eurovision: Ukraina brøt reglene - slipper straff.
Det hele startet 18. juni 2014:
Nadja Savtjenko blir pågrepet nær landsbyen Metalist av folk i en prorussisk milits. 19. juni ble en video av henne lagt ut på internett. Hun var festet til et metallrør med håndjern.
Noen uker senere begynte dramatiske rykter å gå: Nadja ble holdt fengslet i byen Voronezj i Russland. Den russiske påtalemyndigheten bekreftet snart nyheten, at hun var i Voronezj og at hun var siktet for medvirkning til drap på to russiske journalister, som omkom i et bombekasterangrep mot et opprører-kontrollert sjekkpunkt utenfor byen Luhansk.

– Ført over grensen

Savtjenkos advokater hevder at hun ble pågrepet av de russisk-støttede separatistene én time før journalistene ble drept.
Les også: Russisk avis raser etter Ukrainas Eurovision-seier.
Ukrainerne har hevdet at hun ulovlig ble ført over grensen av russisk etterretning i samarbeid med prorussiske soldater. Kiev har kalt det kidnapping av en ukrainsk statsborger, statsterrorisme, og krevd at hun måtte løslates.
Russerne på sin side har hele tiden sagt at Savtjenko er en terrorist. Vladimir Markin hos den russiske påtalemyndigheten har hevdet at det var like stor sjanse for at Savtjenko blir løslatt som at Ukrainas president Petro Porosjenko skulle erstatte Barack Obama som USAs president.
Helt siden hun ble pågrepet for snart to år siden har Ukraina drevet en intens kampanje på sosiale medier og fremstilt henne som en nasjonalhelt.
I Russland derimot blir hun fremstilt ekstremt negativt av media og er omtalt som en «drapsmaskin i skjørt».
Les også: Krever 23 år i straffeleir for kvinnelig militærflyger
Nadja Savtjenko var kjendis i Ukraina allerede før arrestasjonen. Hun er en av de første kvinner som har fått sjansen som pilot i det ukrainske luftvåpenet, og hun er fortsatt den eneste som har fløyet bombeflyet Sukhoi-24.


Da konflikten med Russland eskalerte utover våren 2014, meldte Nadja Savtjenko seg som frivillig i Aidar-bataljonen, som flere ganger har blitt beskyldt for å ha bånd til høyreekstreme. De har også blitt beskyldt for å begå krigsforbrytelser, som bortføringer og henrettelser.
Det var i kamp med Aidar at en norsk leiesoldat skal ha blitt drept sist helg.
Det var den omstridte, ukrainske politikeren Julia Timosjenko som satte Nadja Savtjenko øverst på sitt partis liste til parlamentsvalget. Dermed ble hun innvalgt i Verkhovna Rada in absentia.
Derfra ble hun nominert til å være ukrainsk representant til Europarådets parlamentarikerforsamling (Thorbjørn Jagland-land). Det ga henne diplomatisk immunitet og muligheten for at Russland kunne løslate henne uten å miste ansikt.
Savtjenko har gjennomført flere sultestreiker mens hun har vært fengslet.
Hun har kalt Russland et totalitært regime, at landet har en diktator og at de spytter på menneskerettigheter og folkerett.

tirsdag 17. mai 2016

Life In Belarus Is Much More Expensive Than in the EU

How much food a Belarusian, a Lithuanian, and an Italian can buy on wage.
If there is a necessity to visit a few countries, the return to Belarus does not look so bright - high prices is the reason.
You pay 40-60 eurocents for a jar of yogurt in the northern part of Italy and in Belarus it costs 30 cents. Mozzarella costs 75 cents there and here the price equals to Br21 thousand (nearly 1 euro). And a cup of coffee 3-4 times less expensive than in Belarus. There is a question arise: how do we survive with such prices and our salaries?
To understand the difference Zautra Tvaye Krainy compared average prices of certain products this March provided by official statistics of Belarus, Lithuania, and Italy.
Basket purchase sum of Belarus may look attractive.
Price analysis of also confirms it is more profitable to purchase products in Belarus. For example, the kilogram of chicken breast in Belarus costs 1.89 euro, in Lithuania – 4.83, in Italy – 18.25. Lunch in McDonald's, which has become an index of purchasing power in the world, in Belarus is available at €3.32, in Lithuania and Italy €4.67 and €4.17 respectively.
However, it is wrong to say that it is cheaper to live in Belarus, economist and project manager Kosht Urada Uladzimir Kavalkin believes. Many goods in Belarus cost less than in neighboring countries, especially in the EU's countries. That same kilogram of rice or meat is more expensive in European countries, but the quality noticeably differs.
- Rise in Belarus and in Italy is completely of different quality. It is possible that "our" rice can be prohibited there or does not fully comply with quality standards of the European Union," an expert explains.
If quality is also taken into consideration, the Belarusians find themselves not on the winning side: we consume the cheapest food.
A Belarusian has to work five months to have a salary of a person from Italy
It is worth looking at average wage. In Belarus it is noticeably lower than in compared countries. reports an average wage of the Belarusians is €313 versus €727 in Lithuania and €1 600 Italy.
It turns out that it is possible to buy 30 sets of a consumer basket made up by journalists. Thus a Lithuanian can buy 45 sets and an Italian - 77.
According to statistics, it is cheaper to rent an apartment in Belarus. An average price of rent of one-room apartment is €158 (Italy - €553 ones, €183 – Lithuania). But it turns out in Belarus the rent of a one-room apartment without utility payments takes 50.5% of an average wage, in Lithuania – 25%, Italy – 34.5%.
An average cost of utility services for residents of Apennines seem to be enormous (according to us) and equals to €160 a month: electricity costs approximately €40-50, gas - €60, central heating - €10, water and condominium service - €53. However, it makes up 6-10% of their monthly wage.
According to Belstat, last year housing and utility services made up 6.1% of total expenditures of a Belarusian. This year figures have noticeably increased.

Can the Belarusian afford a dinner in a restaurant and a trip to the theater?
It is not enough to compare only prices in Belarus, Lithuania and Italians, Uladzimir Kavalkin believes. It is much more important to compare the amount of spare cash when all vital needs are satisfied, such as food, rent, and utilities services.
In accordance with Istata data, the Italian family spends 28% of its salary (around €460 a month) on food. Italians, according to statistics, spend about €94 a month on cultural events and a pastime, €27 for hairdresser and beauty salon services, €77 are spend on food in public places.
Over past years costs of Belarusians for food were fluctuating within 40-60% of their income. Domestic statistics does not mention how much money Belarusians spend for cultural events, food in cafes, or dinners in restaurants, as well as how many Belarusians can afford food in public places on regular basis.
Relative ratios for low food prices may be a plus for the Belarusians. However, if to compare the cost of life in Belarus and neighboring countries in absolute figures, it will turn out that the life in Belarus is much more expensive, Uladzimir Kavalkin sums up.


Wake Up Neo: Belarusian IT project finalist at NASA’s Space Apps Challenge

Снимок экрана 2016-05-16 в 17.50.27Belarusian IT project ‘Wake Up NEO…’ intended to save the world from a collision with an asteroid has hit Top 5 best in the People’s choice category of the prestigious Space Apps Challenge.
On April 22-24, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) gathered programmers and UI-designers, physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, and robotics engineers to find innovative solutions to the global challenges using an open API. Space Apps Challenge was hosted by the HTP business incubator and was attended by over 200 people.
Popular vote which lasted the whole week and ended at 21:00 on Sunday, but was  extended for  4 hours, brought ‘Wake Up NEO…’ to  the Top 5.
“Billions of asteroids surrounds us every day. We don’t want to share the fate of dinosaurs <…> Our idea was to help with classifying unclassified asteroids and identifying lost asteroids. We investigated 2 different approaches: identifying asteroids using light curve data and classification by neural network with revealing of correlation between parameters used in object’s orbit calculation,” the authors describe their idea.
Among the leading projects are MarsHopper (a plane for investigation of Mars poles and its surroundings), Avis (a solution that involves a smart wristband and an Android app to help drone operators control the drone, notify them about weather and near no-fly zones) and Martian Oasis ( a game that simulates conditions in an off-Earth located permanent or temporary colony). following

fredag 13. mai 2016

Nordic Council to end support for Belarusian university in exile

mokslo_metu_pradzia_mazos_72_542cf9a438c0aThe Nordic Council of Ministers is bringing its support for the Belarusian university in exile to an end.

On May 10 the Nordic Council of Ministers decided
that it will no longer provide funding to Lithuanian-based European
Humanities University (EHU). The decision is a result of the Council of
Ministers’ budget restructuring to free up funds for co-operation on the
integration of refugees and immigrants this year, their statement reads.
According to the donors, the decision to stop funding
EHU is also based on the outcome of a process in which the role and
strategy of the university has been up for discussion. Repeated internal divisions at EHU have also detracted from its activities in recent years, they stress. Watch our video in English:

The decision might have also stemmed from a number of scandals in the EHU, in particular, the recent appointment of its Rector.
Moreover, the Nordic Council commissioned an audit of its financial
activity of the University which disclosed alleged misconduct by the
current administration, the newspaper Nasha Niva reports.
The issue of the future of the university will be on the agenda at June’s meeting of the Governing Board, Dzyanis Kuchynski, the president of the EHU Student Union, told
According to him, the decision to stop supporting the university may be
the result of the long-term uncertainty about the university
“The question is whether other donors will agree to
provide funding, or whether, for example, the European Commission or
SIDA will increase it,” Kuchynski said.

Read also: New Rector of Belarusian university in exile plans tuition hikes?

Founded in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, in 1992,
soon after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the European Humanities
University was one of the few private, nonprofit liberal-arts
institutions in the country.
But in 2004, Belarusian officials shut it down after
it stood up against attempts to undermine its academic freedom. In
response, a small team of faculty members and administrators set up a
“university in exile” across the border in neighboring Lithuania.
The Nordic Council of Ministers has been one of the biggest donors since 2008.

Read also: Soviet heyday: Rector of Belarus university-in-exile to be elected on the Q.T?

fredag 6. mai 2016

Opposition activists bring empty purses to Ministry of Economy

Representatives of the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) held
a symbolic action at the Ministry of Economy and made proposals to
reform the Council of Ministers.

“The most basic things have to be done in Belarus, the entire civilized
world has passed through it: give freedom to small and medium-sized
businesses, ensure the independence of the courts, ensure that they are
not used to pressurize Belarusian business, but for international
investment companies and Belarusian businessmen to appeal. Also, the
economy of Belarus has to be made independent of the state, state
control should be reduced,” co-chairman of the BCD Vital Rymasheuski
commented on the need for changes.
In addition to the action, BCD activists brought to the Council of
Ministers a draft of economic reform, which was developed by independent
Belarusian economists under the direction of Stanislau Bahdankevich.

tirsdag 3. mai 2016

Darya Domracheva’s Grade Declassified

It is stated on the official "Dynamo" page that the Belarusian biathlete holds a grade of a senior lieutenant of state security and serves in the KGB IC.
“So, they have decided to declassify Darya Domracheva’s grade, – the journalist Andrzej Poczobut wrote on his Facebook page. – We can only guess about the reasons that caused it, because they have been silent about Domracheva’s relation to the State Security for many years.”
Now, the background information on the Belarusian biathlete, placed on her official page on the "Dinamo" website, looks as follows:
– DOMRACHEVA Darya Vladimirovna (Born: 08.03.1986, Minsk), Belarusian sportswoman (biathlon). Graduated BSEU. Belarusian Master of Sports of International level (2007), Honoured Master of Sports of Belarus (2010). Three-time Olympic champion (2014), Bronze winner at the XXI Winter Olympic Games (2010). Two-time World Champion (2012, 2013), silver medal winner at the World Cup 2008, 2011. Champion of Europe (2007). Repeat winner and prize-winner of the World Cup. Winner of the Big Crystal Globe trophy in biathlon (2014/2015). She was awarded the Order of Fatherland, Third Degree and the special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus The Belarusian Sports Olympus. She received the Sport Inspiring Young People award. In 2014 she was awarded with the Hero of Belarus title. She serves in the KGB IC of the Republic of Belarus, holds a grade of senior lieutenant. Coaches: A.V.Musin, A.A.Tsibulsky, K.Zibert.
