Special hearings on Belarus took place in Lithuanian parliament today.
They were timed to the Eastern Partnership summit, which would
start in Vilnius, and had the aim of developing recommendations for the
European Union and its policy towards Minsk.
The hearings were chaired by the deputy chairman of the Committee on International Relations of Lithuanian parliament Audronis Azhubalis and a parliament member Mantas Adomenas. In the hearings took part the head of the parliament’s Committee on International Relations Benediktas Juodka, leader of the parliamentary opposition and former Prime Minister of Lithuania Andrius Kubilus, relatives of Belarusian political prisoners Natalia Pinchuk, Maryna Lobava, Maryna Adamovich, the mother of the kidnapped journalist Dzmitry Zavadski Volha Zavadskaja, the chairwoman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhana Licvina, the council member of the human rights center Tacciana Raviaka, charter97.org web-site’s editor in chief Natalia Radzina, the director of the Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius Hanna Hierasimava,
representatives of the political opposition – co-chairmen of the
organizational committee for creation of the party Belarusian Christian
Democracy Paviel Sieviaryniec and Vital Rymasheuski, the leader of the Just World party Siarhiej Kaliakin, the leaders of Tell the Truth civic campaign Uladzimir Niakliajeu and Andrej Dzmitryjeu, deputy chairman of the Movement for Freedom Aliaksandr Lahviniec, a lawyer of the executive panel of the NGO Assembly Jury Chavusau and the coordinator of Eastern Partnership’s Civil Society forum from Belarus Andrej Jahorau.
event was also attended by Lithuanian parliament members, the
parliament’s ombudsman, representatives of foreign embassies and
As he was opening the hearings the Lithuanian parliament member Mantas Adomenas
stated that human rights should not be forgotten with all the attention
going to transit and exports. According to him, Lithuania should be the
Europe’s mouthpiece for the Belarusians aiming towards freedom. “What is happening in Belarus reminds of the Soviet Union times”, - he said and emphasized that it is nowadays impossible to imagine that in Lithuania “journalists
would be forbidden to tell what they want”. “This is the difference
between Lithuania and Belarus. I can hardly imagine for political
prisoners to be there in Lithuania”, - Mantas Adomenas claimed.
The leader of the parliament’s opposition Andrius Kubilus
noted that the hearings were the indication that the situation in
Belarus had not been forgotten. He claimed that sometimes one should
actually force themselves to understand that “what is taking place in
Belarus, and what people experience in their daily lives, are not just
violations of human rights and democracy. There are human tragedies
behind these words”. “It is impossible to put up with the current
situation in Belarus, but our joint effort is required for that”, - he concluded.
Former political prisoners and relatives of the repressed spoke first at the hearings.
Paviel Sieviaryniec thanked Europe for the principled position on political prisoners.
“If it was not for your adherence to the principles I would probably
not have been here with you now, because it is only Europe’s firm stance
that restrains the incumbent regime from more brutal repressions. Once
such a principled position of Europe led to the world’s recognition of
the fact of Soviet occupation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia”, -
he claimed. Paviel Sieviaryniec emphasized that Belarusian political
prisoners were hostages in the literal meaning of the word. “The
regime keeps holding a critically important number of people, keeps
bargaining. At the Belarus’ MFA they do not even hide the fact that
there are political prisoners. The EU should proceed with sticking to
its principles and insist on their release and exoneration”, - the
politician said. He highlighted that another leverage over Lukashenka
would be the Ice Hockey World Championship, which is scheduled to take
place next year in Minsk.
Then spoke political prisoner Ales Bialiatski’s wife Natalia Pinchuk.
She told about the situation, in which her husband is now. According to
her, the conditions of his imprisonment have worsened. In the course of
last year he did not have any long-term meeting and received only one
The mother of the disappeared journalist Dzmitry Zavadski Volha Zavadskaja reminded that nothing changed on the case of the kidnapped Belarusians in the past 12 years. “All
the terms expire, and we are afraid that the topic of violent
disappearances may vanish. It is very important for these crimes, which
are crimes against humanity, were not forgotten”, - she claimed.
The wife of political prisoner, former presidential candidate Mikalaj Statkievich Maryna Adamovich
shared in detail the latest news on his situation. The conditions have
worsened. Maryna Adamovich emphasized that exoneration of political
prisoners should remind on the agenda regardless of whether Belarus’
authorities do that or not.
The mother of political prisoner,
Young Front’s co-chairman Eduard Lobau Maryna Lobava spoke at the
hearings. She claimed that the conditions of her son’s imprisonment
might be equated to tortures. “Only economic sanctions, introduced
immediately after the events of 2010, helped release many political
prisoners. Only owing to targeted economic sanctions, which took place,
we now have 10 political prisoners instead of 50. Like before. The
release of political prisoners and holding of free and fair elections
should be demanded of the Lukashenka regime. After the fulfillment of
these demands, one may speak of any dialogue or any cooperation”, - Maryna Lobava emphasized.
The chairwoman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhana Licvina
told about the situation with the freedom of speech in Belarus, having
noted that the control became total over media. She listed the latest
dangerous trends: practice of the use of the extremism law against a
publishing house, emergence of such formulations as “activities against the interests of the Republic of Belarus”.
She also expressed a concern of authorities’ intention to introduce the
obligatory registration for most popular internet information sources.
A human rights activist Tacciana Raviaka
told about the situation with Ales Bialiatski and listed the names of
all the political prisoners in Belarus, having reminded that another
criminal proceeding would start the next day on the case of a youth
activist Vasil Parfiankou. This shows, according to her, how vulnerable political prisoners are after being released. “If activists engage in politics, they are immediately subjected to repressions”,
-she said. The human rights activists observed that Belarus ignored its
obligations in the framework of international organizations: none of
the UN’s Human Rights Committee decisions were followed.
Political scientist Jury Chavusau
told about the violations of the freedom of association in Belarus. He
noted that a number of organizations have not been able to get
registered for 10 years. Many are pushed out of the country to go
abroad, criminal responsibility keeps existing for acting on behalf of
non-registered organizations.
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s coordinator for Belarus Andrej Jahorau
pointed out the problem of EU’s assistance to democratic organizations.
He claimed that sometimes programs are implemented with the support of
the European Union, which are used by the authorities for persecuting
civil society activists.
A co-chairman of the organizational committee for the creation of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy Vital Rymasheuski quoted independent Lithuania’s first chairman of the parliament Vitautas Landsbergis,
who said that the export of corruption takes place from East to West,
when Western countries start treating dictatorships with pragmatism. The
Belarusian politician noted that such an attitude, realpolitik, is
being used by Europe in its relations with the Belarusian regime. That
is why, according to him, it is time to raise the issue of protecting
the democratic values in the EU countries.
The head of the United Civic Party Anatol Liabiedzka reminded that a business forum was taking place in Vilnius that day. “This
is where we should have spoken. Probably, Lithuanian businessmen would
have had their eyes opened. It would also be useful for them to listen
to Vladislav Baumgertner – a businessmen close to the Kremlin, who spent
several months in detention in Belarus”, - he said. The politician
emphasized that MFA’s head Makej, who would take part in the Eastern
Partnership summit, was not a minister at all, but a simple “mailman”,
who executes the orders from the dictator.
Uladzimir Niakliaeu
stated that Makej was not only a mailman, but an accomplice to the
Lukashenka regime’s crimes. According to him, Belarus needed its own
Magnitsky list, because the people, who violate human rights, feel their
impunity. Uladzimir Niakliaeu noted that visa restrictions alone were
not enough for the officials, who carried out repressions.
Movement for Freedom’s deputy chairman Aliaksandr Lahviniec
pointed out that Belarus first and foremost needed a European
perspective. According to him, this is the only guarantee of a good
standard of living in our country.
The leader of the Just World party Siarhiej Kaliakin made a specific suggestion. According to him, there currently were not 10-12 political prisoners in Belarus.
are all the country’s residents. Tens of thousands of people are in
prisons, and each one of them is tortured. Gigantic number of people
undergoes repressions. The creation of an international tribunal should
be initiated on the situation in Belarus”, - he claimed.
Kilde/Source : http://charter97.org/en/news/2013/11/28/80711/
torsdag 28. november 2013
mandag 25. november 2013
27 november Heroes' Day
Heros Day i Hviterussland- en dag da det oppstod det væpnet opprøret i Slutsk i den nydannet Hviterussiske folkerepublikken i 1920 mot bolsjevikene.Hviterussere!De kjempet for sin frihet og fedrelandet! De ventet ikke på hjelp fra noen! De ville selv avgjøre egen skjebne! De ga sine liv for Belarus, for oss, for deg!Nittitre år siden. 27. november 1920, begynte Slutsk opprør. Våre forfedre kom for å kjempe for sitt land - Hviterussiske folkerepublikken.I kampen side ved side kjempet den Slutsky Grozovskii stick, Slutsk First Brigade Væpnede menn BNR. De fikk også med seg den hviterussiske delen av hæren til general Stanislav Bulak – Balakhovich og geriljagrupper "Grønn Eik ".Flere tusen opprørere frastøtt i en måned den bolsjevikiske invasjonen. De Siste troppene forlot slagmarken bare i januar 1921. Geriljagrupper har kjempet i noen år etter på.Vår republikk ble født i blodig dødskamp, men vår hviterussisk indre ånd var gjenopplivet og vil aldri dø. Flere modige menn fra neste generasjoner kom for å kjempe for Belarus.27 november vil alltid være Heroes' Day .Derfor oppfordrer vi alle som bærer navnet hviterusser til å feire denne dagen og huske våre helter. Sett et stearinlys i vinduet for å minnes de og vise at vi husker dem.Lenge leve Belarus!
Беларусы!Яны змагаліся за свабоду сваю і Айчыны! Яны не чакалі ні ад каго дапамогі! Яны самыя вырашалі свой лёс! Яны паклалі свае жыцці за Беларусь, за нас, за цябе!
Дзевяноста тры гады таму, 27 лістапада 1920 года, распачаўся Слуцкі Збройны Чын. Нашы продкі выступілі на змаганне за сваю дзяржаву — Беларускую Народную Рэспубліку.
У бой рушылі Слуцкі і Грозаўскі палкі Першай Слуцкай Брыгады Стралкоў БНР. Да іх далучыліся беларускія часткі арміі Генерала Станіслава Булак-Балаховіча, якія раней біліся пад Мазыром — Беластоцкі батальён і Смаленскі полк, а таксама партызанскія атрады «Зялёнага Дуба».
Некалькі тысяч паўстанцаў на працягу месяца давалі адпор бальшавіцкай навале. Апошнія атрады сышлі з поля бітвы толькі ў студзені 1921 года. Партызанскія атрады прадаўжалі змаганне яшчэ некалькі гадоў.
Свая Рэспубліка нараджалася ў крывавых муках, але наш беларускі родны дух, які тады ажыў, не згасаў. На поле бітвы ў след за случакамі выходзілі наступныя пакаленні змагароў за Беларусь. 27 лістапада — іхны дзень: Дзень Герояў.
Таму заклікаем усіх, хто носіць імя беларуса, годна святкаваць гэты Дзень, успамінаць нашых Герояў і штогод ставіць у акне свечку. Няхай яе агенчык сігналіць Змагарам, што ў гэтай хаце помняць іх Чын.
Жыве Беларусь!
Алесь Краўцэвіч, Беларускае Гістарычнае Таварыства
Алег Латышонак, Беларускае Гістарычнае Таварыства ў Польшчы
Анатоль Міхнавец, Беларуская Нацыянальная Памяць
Чытаць цалкам http://nn.by/?c=ar&i=118349
lørdag 2. november 2013
I Hviterussland har vi en tradisjon Dzjady når vi går i
kirke og på kirkegården og ber for de døde. På den dagen lages det en rituell
måltid som kan bestå av kutia (spesiell laget grøt), pannekaker, kjøtt, egg og
annet. Det må være 7 forskjellige retter. På middagsbordet settes det en ekstra
tallerken til de døde og på tallerkenen leger man en bitt av hver rett. Tallerkenen skal stå på bordet over hele
natten. Ifølge troen kommer de døde om natta til å sitte rund bordet i nattas
Denne tradisjonen i sin mest arkaiske formen bevart bare av hviterussere .
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